Onyx bundle:
3D plant creators:
Free plants:
And finally:

OnyxFLOWER is a dedicated parametric modeler for flowers. This software is so far the most complex and demanding piece we have ever developed. With hundreds of parameters carefully structured around the principal flower elements, the modeler gives the user unprecedented control and enables easy creation of a wide variety of flower species.

Key features of OnyxGRASS modeler
Models a wide variety of 3D, biologically faithful flowers
Models flowers in flower beds
Models flowers in flower pots
Models flower pots of all kinds and shapes
Numerous parameters for modeling control and detail
Extremely well thought out intuitive interface
On line Help for each and every interface control
Save 3D model as ONX, 3DS, C4D, DXF, FAC, LWO, OBJ
Exports 3D geometry
Exports color-per-vertex coordinates
Exports UV mapping coordinates
Exports multiple layers/sub-objects/sub-materials
Comes with seven tutorials
Comes with OnyxFLOWER Library
Additional flowers in our Nursery for free download
OnyxFLOWER Library plants
OnyxFLOWER comes with OnyxFLOWER Library - a collection of already created flowers ready to use, modify, and expand upon. The flowers are shown below. What you see on the images is what you get, including pots and texture-maps where applicable. Click on the thumbnail image to see a larger image.
Allium giganteum |
Amaryllis belladonna |
Crocus pickwick |
Dahlia athalie |
Fritillaria imperialis |
Galanthus nivalis |
Gladiolus flower song |
Haemanthus cocci. |
Hyacinthus orientalis |
Hymenocallis festalis |
Lilium martagone |
Narcissus carlton |
Ornithogalum thyrso. |
Pancratium mariti. |
Paradisea liliastrum |
Sandersonia auranti. |
Scilla peruviana |
Sparaxis tricolor |
Tulipa keizerskroon |
Veltheimia bracteata |
OnyxFLOWER Library pots
Additional flowers in our Nursery for free download
Achimenes grandiflora |
Acidanthera murielae |
Albuca cooperi |
Cardiocrinum gigant. |
Chlidanthus fragrans |
Convallaria majalis |
Cyclamen persicum |
Eremurus bungei |
Eucomis bicolor |
Hippeastrum hybrida |
Leucojum vernum |
Lilium longiflorum |
Merendera montana |
Narcissus Buxton |
Nerine sarniensis |
More to come! |
Nomocharis aperta |
Rhodohypoxis baurii |
Scadoxus multiflorus |
Tulipa Apeldoorn |
Win System Requirements
- PC with Intel, AMD or compatible microprocessor
- MS Windows 10, 8, 7, or XP operating system

Mac System Requirements
- IntelMac with Parallels, Fusion VM, or Boot Camp with MS Windows 10, 8, 7, or XP operating system

OnyxFLOWER software package contents
- Download a zip file containing OnyxFLOWER application, plant libraries, tutorial, and auxiliary files.